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About Aric Wood

Aric Wood is the CEO of XPLANE, a Business Design Consultancy that helps large organizations clarify, communicate, and achieve their goals. XPLANE leverages visual thinking, human-centered design, co-creation, and multi-disciplinary teams to help clients solve complex problems, accelerate results, and transform their companies.

With experience in strategy development, entrepreneurship, innovation, and new product development, Aric has a keen interest in leveraging design thinking to identify opportunities and drive innovation, and is active in the firm’s Change Management and Strategy Activation practices. Aric has appeared in publications and broadcasts including CNN, Business Week, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Magazine.

Aric previously served in leadership roles at Intuit and, and as a strategy consultant at Bain & Company. Aric earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from The Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Aric has served on a number of for-profit and non-profit boards, including the Design Museum Foundation,, Business for Culture & the Arts, and most recently as the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA).

Keynote: Navigating for Change:
Design Principles for Successfully Launching Transformation Projects

How do you leverage visual thinking and design thinking at the start of a project to ensure it’s set up for success? We’ll begin by sharing a synthesis of the design principles being developed in this emerging area through a project called Navigating for Change. We will explore how teams can develop a shared project vision, create a project roadmap, and develop stakeholder communications to get teams aligned and moving forward together. We will share case studies of how these principles have accelerated results for major global organizations. This is the perfect session for participants leading large transformation projects, including digital transformation.

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