GK VanPatter
Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future that has Already Arrived
With vast confusion around the subject in the marketplace, GK shares his perspective on how Humantific makes sense of the already-arriving future of design / design thinking. Stepping outside the pervasive industry marketing narrative, Rethinking Design Thinking points out the need for a new form of readiness to better take on the scale and complexity of organizational and societal challenges now emerging. Part expose, part history lesson and part provocation this book clearly makes the case for more robust and adaptive methods beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience creation. GK will present some of the lessons learned from making the book as well some its key recommendations.

This session is for professionals who are experienced in the sector & have a holistic perspective of business analysis.
Who is GK VanPatter?
GK VanPatter is CoFounder of Humantific, a SenseMaking for ChangeMaking consultancy headquartered in New York that helps organizations make sense of complexity and accelerate adaptive capacity building. Humantific’s Complexity Navigation Program is geared for organizational leaders seeking next generation innovation cocreation and leadership skills.
GK is author of the just published Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future that has Already arrived as well as Innovation Methods Mapping, DeMystifying 80+ Years of Innovation Process Design.
He is an internationally recognized innovation capacity building advisor. His passion is helping to build next generation innovation leadership skills and inclusive innovation cultures. He holds a Masters Degree in design from Pratt Institute in New York and has decades of strategic practitioner experience.
As Editor of the groundbreaking NextD Journal he was an early advocate of rethinking design beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience. Prior to cofounding Humantific, GK was VP of Innovation at Scient, a Scient Fellow and CoFounder of Scient’s Innovation Acceleration Lab.
He has long been actively involved in the Next Generation Emerging Practice Community and the Rethinking Design Thinking Movement. He lives in New York City and speaks frequently at conferences around the world.
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