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Category: Data Analysis & Sensemaking

Will Your Next Business Analyst will be a Robot?

Will Your Next Business Analyst Will Be A Robot?

The rise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is already impacting every sphere of our lives. It is making a fundamental impact on our current and future jobs. Like all aspects of technology delivery, Business Analysis will not be spared the disruptive transformation. But is this something to be feared, or to be welcomed? How do we embrace this impending tsunami of change, and future-proof ourselves?

– The rise of the robots: The Hype and the Realities
– How the world of work is changing: Your next job may not exist yet
– Future-proofing yourself: Your Next Business Analyst Will Be A Robot?
– Where the robots (currently) fail: The Human Touch
– Co-botics: Can Artificial Intelligence and Business Analysis Co-Exist?

#Artificial Intelligence



This session is for professionals who are experienced in the sector & have a holistic perspective of business analysis.

Who is Johan Steyn?

Johan Steyn is a technologist and management consultant. Over the last two decades he was involved in the fields of computer hardware distribution, software development and mobile phone technology. He held senior roles in global consulting firms.
He is an Artificial Intelligence enthusiast and speaks globally at conferences on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Emerging Technologies. 
He is a published author who regularly contributes articles on thought-leadership to well-known publications. He is the Chair of the Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with the IITPSA (Institute of Information Technology Professionals of South Africa).
He is with IQbusiness, a technology management consulting firm.

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