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About Natallia Iskortseva

Natallia started her career as a Software Tester in 2005. Then she grew up to a business analyst and project manager. After her maternity leave, she couldn’t come back to the profession. So now she leads her own projects. In 2014, she has founded a training center. They provide trainings for Software Testers, they do team coaching and train managers to create teams in the workplace. In 2015, she opened a private practice. She believes that if people have mental, emotional and physical health they can be happy in their private lives and be successful in business. So she mostly helps people recover from professional burnout. And teach people how to use mindfulness, meditation, beliefs work, intuitive abilities for personal and business purposes. She has 18+ years experience of teaching and more then 30 years of public speaking

About Emrah Yayıcı

Emrah Yayici is the managing partner of BA-Works, UXservices, Explori, Continium and Keytorc teams. He is also the president of IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) Turkey Chapter and chairman of bang.Prix which is a platform that supports practitioners from different disciplines and countries to develop themselves at the nexus of art, technology, design and science. Emrah Yayıcı also has books published on about design thinking, innovation, business analysis, UX design and artful thinking.

Workshop: Design Thinking Workshop Inspired by Spirituality

In this workshop, you will experience how to apply design thinking in business analysis and spiritual practices to trigger your intuition and out of box thinking skills, generate insights and creative ideas.

There is lot of information in the world nowadays. And people can easily learn different techniques that are useful for their work. But usually we stop on this and do not take into account the main thing – our consciousness, our energy and inner state. Why doesn’t techniques work similar to everybody? Why doesn’t they work for some people? And why do they work for other people? We’ll answer these questions. And also we’ll consider how to use consciousness, the highest energy and the intuition in your everyday work. The best ideas do not come from our mind but from somewhere else. Workshop participants will feel from where do they come and how to catch them.

The second part will bring us to communicate with other people, especially with our customers. People think that negotiation skills are enough for this. But we’ll practice in using telepathy in a way we need, and in transforming our inner state in dependance of the results we want to achieve.

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    BA-Works Business Analysis Services

    Eski Büyükdere Street.
    Maslak Business Center,
    Block: A Floor: 8
    Sarıyer / Istanbul – Turkey
    Phone: +90 212 276 06 41

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